あおぞら財団 FAQ
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Q: What’s the triangular logo mean?

A: The three top lines are the blue sky supported by a partnership of citizens, government administration, and business. The bottom horizontal line is the green-enshrouded land.

Q: How do I participate?

A: For example, participate in lectures and events, become a volunteer, an intern, or a joint researcher, or become a supporting member. Ask us and join in!

Q: How do I learn about pollution and the environment?

A: At our Nishiyodogawa Library on Pollution and the Environment you can use or borrow books and source materials, as well as videos and educational materials. We can also introduce pollution victims who relate their experiences, and host people for observation tours and training. Feel free to ask.

Q: What about international exchange?

A: We have mutual visits and information exchange with environmental NGOs in Korea, China, Thailand, the Philippines, Taiwan, and other places in Asia. We also host legal trainees from Korea for training. Further, we publish materials in English, Chinese, and Korean.

Q: Can children participate, too?

A: Definitely! Activities with child participation include surveys of insects and wildlife, checking air pollution, and creating environmental maps. Children are the community developers of the future.