茨木市のボランティア団体 彩都オレンジリンクの会が茨木市版のフードマイレージ買物ゲームを作ることになりました。
Yesterday was the food mileage event at (location) for local volunteers and school teachers。The evening started with simple introductions and explanations of the rules and afterwards each group dove right into starting the game.
The groups were separated with the 1970 team to the right and the current times to the left. Each group had to create a meal using the given budget and decide where they would purchase the food and how they reach the desired destination to purchase the foods.
I was able to sit and participate in the present time table and we realized that deciding what to buy and stay within our budget was a really difficult process. The food prices were a bit high and we also had to make sure we had enough food for the entire family to eat.
その後でそれそれのグループは晩ご飯の絵をかきました。そして食べ物を運ぶのに出されたCO2の量を学びました。フードマイレージ講座はとてもおもしろく、皆たくさんのことを学びました。After the decision of what to eat each team prepared drawings of what they would prepare. Afterwards the results were presented of the CO2 levels of the goods. The entire event was very surprising to see. Everyone learned a lot from the game.
This was my first time experiencing the food mileage event. It was a bit difficult for me to understand but overall the event was a fun and interesting experience.
「フードマイレージ 買い物ゲーム」茨木版、期待しています。あおぞら財団のものを基にどのように茨木版にするのか、興味ありますし、私も「フードマイレージ」を学んでいる過程にあります。